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3.000 meters under Indian waters

In the second half of 2011 Resinex supplied 150 pieces of Umbilical Cable Floats to NIOT (National Institute of Ocean Technology) of India.

Umbilical cable floats for ultra deep water

The floats have been designed to maximize hydrodinamicity and resistance under pressure at 3.000 meters operational depth. The floats are used to generate a Lazy S curve during deployment operations of an Autonomous Coring System (ACS) using steel aramid umbilical. Autonomous Coring System (ACS) is deployed by NIOT in joint collaboration with M/s Williamson & Associates, Seattle, USA.

System is capable to take 100 m long cores from ocean basins up-to the maximum depth of 3.000 meters. System is integrated with pressure core sampler for the recovery of gas hydrates at in-situ pressure condition.


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